Veterans' Benefits

Additional income to pay for home care, assisted
living, or nursing care.

About Rick Hood

Rick HoodRick Hood, COO, VP of Operations & Administration
Tri-Tex Insurance Agency, LLC.

Working with top professionals in the industry, I have helped people plan for long term care since 1995. For over 10 years, I have worked with Tri-Tex Insurance Agency, LLC. assisting families by preserving assets through tax reduction, estate & income planning, as well as risk management with long term care and life insurance. As COO and Vice-President of Operations & Administration, I am privileged to assist clients in achieving their goals through proper planning. An intricate part of estate planning is preparing for long term care needs. The problem is best addressed by planning ahead of time. Depending on each client's individual situation, we help by utilizing one or more of the following vehicles for a solution:

  • Long term care insurance,
  • Multi-linked benefit insurance,
  • Annuities & income planning,
  • Medicaid, &
  • Education on Veteran's Benefits including Aid & Attendance Pension.

Call today and find out how we can help. Whether you served your country or an industry, give us a chance to serve you!

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